When the ‘eyes‘ send a warning signal.

In addition to the eyes being the windows to the heart, they can also indicate various abnormalities in the body.
1. Yellow eyes may cause by hepatitis or jaundice. Yellow eyes are caused by the accumulation of bilirubin, a yellow substance found in bile. When there is a problem with the liver, the patient will have higher than normal levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream, which causes the conjunctiva to turn yellow. Yellow eyes are a sign of hepatitis or cirrhosis.
2. There is a yellow or white fat lump on the eyelid without pain. It may be caused by high blood fat that the liver cannot remove. It is usually related to genetic hyperlipidemia. If there is such a lump, the blood fat level should be measured.
3. Red eyes: The conjunctival area contains many small blood vessels. When these blood vessels burst, the eyes will become bloodshot. However, if the red eyes have no known cause, it may be a sign of high blood pressure or a platelet disorder.
4. The black of the eye is cloudy white, indicating a risk of cataracts. The cause is the deterioration of the lens of the eye, causing the lens, which is normally transparent like glass, to become cloudy white, resulting in less light passing through to the retina, causing blurred vision or darkness, which usually occurs in people aged 55-60 years and above.
5. Iritis often has red especially near the edge of the cornea. There is usually no eye mucus, but there may be tears. Vision becomes blurred, but the severity depends on the severity of the inflammation and complications. Photophobia, eye pain, seeing floating spots. Iritis that is associated with other physical diseases will also have symptoms of the disease, such as back pain from bone and joint diseases.
Don’t forget to take care of your by resting them สมัคร ufabet frequently when using them to look at computer screens, televisions, and smartphones for long periods of time. Always wear sunglasses when in bright sunlight. If you wear contact lenses, keep them clean and follow the instructions strictly. Do not rub your eyes frequently. If you have eye problems, consult an ophthalmologist immediately.