The lips tell the story

What Your Lips Can Tell You About Your Health
For people who are healthy, ยูฟ่าเบท their are usually pink, bright, and not wrinkled. However, if the color or appearance of the lips changes, it may also indicate an illness.
– Pale lips are often directly related to the body’s poorly functioning circulatory system. There may be symptoms of low blood pressure. It can also be a sign of other diseases, such as loss of fluid from diarrhea or sepsis.
– Dark blue lips are a sign of lack of oxygen, circulatory obstruction. Which may caused by lung diseases such as emphysema. If it occurs in children, it may found in patients with seizures or pre-seizure symptoms.
You should also take care of your to keep them healthy by drinking 8-10 glasses of clean water a day to moisturize them, and applying lip balm when exposed to sunlight or cold weather.
Swollen lips
If you’ve noticed your pout is extra pouty but it’s been a minute since you’ve visited the med spa for some plumping, you may be suffering from swollen. Swollen are often the result of an allergic reaction That could caused by something you’ve eaten or it could be an adverse reaction to a new lip product. Swelling of the lips is cause by either inflammation or built-up fluid under the skin.
Allergies can range from mild to serious, so it’s important to seek medical attention if you begin to experience symptoms such as trouble breathing, itchy throat, or burning along with swollen lips. What’s more, insect bites or stings could cause swelling, in which case an oral antihistamine may help alleviate any discomfort.
Cracked corners
If you’ve ever struggled with the cracking at the corners of your mouth you know how frustrating and painful it can be. Known by the technical term of angular cheilitis. This can caused by several reasons including drooling, wearing dentures, or a vitamin deficiency. Diane Madfes, MD, a board-certified dermatologist, explained. That sometimes those painful cracks could the result of low iron, zinc, vitamin B3, or vitamin B6. Blood work done by your doctor can quickly point out if you’re deficient in these areas and you can modify your diet to add these vitamins naturally.